Local Football

Mini. Kickers

Mini. Kickers

Posted By on Jun 25, 2016

My wife and I have run Matamata Swifts AFC’s Mini-Kickers programme for a few years now.

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The Eagles

The Eagles

Posted By on Jun 18, 2016

I’m a junior football coach. Much like thousands of parents up and down the country.

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Soccer Express – April 25, 1990

Soccer Express – April 25, 1990

Posted By on May 9, 2014

From time to time I’ll rummage through my recently liberated box of old Soccer Express issues and post a few morsels that will help us all remember how the game once was. This time I managed to dig out the ANZAC Day issue from 1990 with a headline that screams out “Reds Back In Europe”. This is somewhat apt, given the aforementioned reds (Liverpool) are back in the Champions League after a little while out of the...

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Soccer Express – July 17, 1991

Soccer Express – July 17, 1991

Posted By on Apr 11, 2014

If you’re of a certain age you’ll remember that New Zealand once had a weekly football newspaper. Soccer Express it was called. One day recently I was sorting out all the crap in my garage and came across several boxes of old football mags. One rather large box was loaded with ancient issues of Shoot! which, unfortunately for them, didn’t maintain the sort of value that saved them from the skip. But a smaller box,...

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The calm before the calm

The calm before the calm

Posted By on Mar 15, 2014

Crazy Cyclone Lusi was supposed to strike NZ this weekend, so I cancelled all my plans, which chiefly involved a couple of nights up at Cooks Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula, and stayed home. That meant I could wander down to the Matamata Domain five minutes before kick-off to check-out the latest instalment in Matamata Swifts’ re-birth as a senior club. But I was worried. This weekend the storm to end all storms was supposed...

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My Club

My Club

Posted By on Feb 11, 2014

Matamata Swifts AFC is my club because Matamata is where I’m from. Simple really. I played my junior football at the club. I played football there as a callow youth. I played most of my senior football there. And I’ve held just about every committee position known to man there. It’s fair to say I’ve done my time and I’ve done it willingly. Matamata Swifts is a small country club that has occasionally punched above its weight. Often...

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Pictorial 2013 – Part 3

Pictorial 2013 – Part 3

Posted By on Jan 3, 2014

I took more than 7000 photos during 2013. Most of them were while I was at the football. Almost all were rubbish. But amongst all the dross I did manage to squeeze out a few decent shots. During my holiday down time I skimmed through my efforts and pulled out the best thirty. Here’s the final part of the trilogy. These photos come with a heavy WaiBOP United focus, which is not surprising given my involvement with that franchise...

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Pictorial 2013 – Part 2

Pictorial 2013 – Part 2

Posted By on Jan 2, 2014

I took more than 7000 photos during 2013. Most of them were while I was at the football. Almost all were rubbish. But amongst all the dross I did manage to squeeze out a few decent shots. During my holiday down time I skimmed through my efforts and pulled out the best thirty. Here’s the middle batch of ten photos, which were taken through the middle part of the year. Each photo comes with a little story that helps define my 2013...

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