DB’s World Cup Diary – Day 13

Posted By admin on Jun 25, 2014 | 0 comments

It must take a special, maniacal, sort of stupid to do what Luis Suarez did today.

Biting a player. Again Luis? Really?

Social Media lit up almost immediately with jokes, bombast, incredulity and you’ll have seen all that by now to the point it’s already yesterday’s news. All I can sit here now and do is shake my head. I don’t understand it. I can’t. I don’t live in his world and I didn’t come from anywhere near his sort of background.

How can you be so good and yet so f*****g stupid?

I feel a bit sorry for the Uruguayan fans, including the few I know personally. I realise they’ll mostly be defending Suarez and his actions, or deflecting, because that’s what you do, and they probably don’t really care all that much because their team got the result they needed and are through to the last 16. But Uruguay, your talisman is a chump and I don’t expect we’ll see him again at this tournament. And that ends your chances.

Uruguay were poor, and have been all tournament. Italy were diabolical, and have been all tournament. Apart from Andrea Pirlo, they won’t be missed and neither will Uruguay when they’re knocked out. They’re not the side they were in South Africa. That will more than likely happen in a few days when they come up against Colombia.

The other early game today saw England and Costa Rica draw 0-0. Zzzzzz…

Again I missed out on watching Colombia as they dismantled another side, this time Japan. I had to head into a client’s office, as I do every Wednesday. My timing’s not always the best. It looks like they’ll be a real threat. I’m sure I’ll see their next game.

I was more interested in following the Greece versus Ivory Coast game and was gutted to see Greece get up. An added time penalty won it for them over an Ivory Coast side I so wanted to go through. Greece… f*****g Greece?! Come on!

We have the stone cold certainty of either Greece or Costa Rica making it into the last eight. There’s your tournament outsiders right there. Please, please, please let it be the Central Americans that win that one.

As an aside, this is my 100th post on this site. It’s a nice little milestone to tick off, given I’ve been so stop-start with my posts over the past year and a bit.

Score Picking update

I got a couple of today’s results, including the bore draw in Belo Horizonte. That keeps me comfortably on top of the BFWCSPC.

Picks for Day 14

Ecuador 1-3 France, Honduras 0-1 Switzerland, Bosnia-Herzegovina 1-0 Iran, Nigeria 1-2 Argentina.

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